A Foolish Man Buys Shoes
In the past there lived a foolish man in a small kingdom called Zheng. One day he wanted to buy himself a pair of new shoes. He measured his feet with a ruler first and wrote down his size. But he was in such a hurry to set out that he left it at home
When he arrived at a shoe shop, he felt in the pocket only to find that it was not there. So he said apologetically, 'I have left the measurement at home and don't know the size. I'll fetch it in one minute.' With these words he hurried off as fast as his legs could carry him
He ran back home, found it and then to the shop again. But still it took him quite a while and the shop was already closed then. He had gone to all this trouble for nothing and did not get his shoes
Then someone asked him, 'Did you buy the shoes for yourself or someone else?' 'For myself, of course.' he answered. 'Then why don't you try the shoes on by yourself
رچل غپي يپتآع حذآء
في آلمآضي عآش رچل غپي في مملگة صغيرة تدعى <زينغ> . يوم مآ آرآد آن يشتري لنفسه زوچآ چديدآ من آلآحذية . فقآس قدمه پمسطرة ثم گتپ مقآسه. لگنه گآن في عچلة آمره للخروچ فنسآهآ في آلمنزل.
عندمآ وصل آلي محل آلآحذية فتحسس چيپه لگنه لم يچد آلورقة. لذآ قآل معتذرآ < لقد ترگت آلقيآس في آلمنزل ولآ آعرف آلمقآس. سوف آپحث عنهآ في دقيقة وآحدة > پهذه آلگلمآت آسرع آلرچل پقدر مآ تستطيع سآقيه آن تحمله.
عآد آلى آلمنزل ووچدهآ ثم عآد آلى آلمحل ثآنيةً. لگنه مع ذلگ آخذ وقتآ وگآن آلمحل مقفل پآلفعل حينهآ . لقد خآض گل هذه آلمتآعپ لآچل لآ شي ولم يحصل على حذآئه.
عندهآ سأله آحدهم : هل تشتري هذه آلآحذية لنفسگ آو لآحد آخر؟؟
لي طپعآ ... آچآپ هو
آذآ لمآذآ لآ تچرپ آلآحذية پنفسگ ؟؟؟؟؟
آعذروني آلترچمة آلعرپية مو ذيگ آلزود
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